Ötztaler bicycle marathon, ÖRM, racing bike, summer Ötztaler bicycle marathon, ÖRM, racing bike, summer

Ötztaler bicycle marathon, ÖRM, racing bike, summer
& dream

The unrivaled Ötztaler myth: 227 kilometers, 5,500 altitude meters, 4 alpine passes with gradients of up to 18 percent - the Ötztaler Cycle Marathon is an absolute racing bike classic, one of the toughest but also most beautiful one-day amateur races. Among the 4,000 starters drawn by lot are the former top elite, stars from other disciplines as well as amateur cyclists - for all of them  the “Ötzi” is a lifelong dream.

Save The date


The scheduled date for the Ötztaler Cycle Marathon 2025 is 31 August.

Due to the known renovation work on the Lueg Bridge and pending official requirements, which depend on further exploratory results, no final decision can be made at present as to whether the ÖRM 2025 can take place.

However, we are confident that a solution will be found in proven co-operation with the responsible authorities that will do justice to the interests of sport, the general public and the economy. As soon as a final decision has been made, we will inform you immediately on all our channels.

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